A story to inspire you
The magic is that I'm no longer a slave to sugar, says Ava
AVA BRODIE, 64, was a self-confessed sugarholic. It had hijacked her brain and was controlling her life. Then she discovered Slimpod and in a year had lost three stone. “It’s so good to watch my body get smaller, my skin clearer and my eyes brighter, but the magic for me is that I am no longer a slave to sugar,” she says. “I now have a transparent relationship with food.”
Ava was a size 14/16 before she discovered the Slimpod weight-loss programme in February 2020. By the end of the year she had dropped to a size 8 and saw her BMI plummet to a healthy level. The key to her success, she says, was how the programme removed her desire for sugar and gave her a passion for exercise.
This is Ava’s inspiring story, which was featured in the Daily Telegraph:
“Since I was a girl I can’t remember a day going by without eating sugar. I used to call myself a sugarholic.
“I joined Slimpod in the February 2020, lost weight without any real effort or willpower and started to feel good about myself – but I knew I could do better. So I did hours of research into the harmful effects of sugar and what I found out was the trigger that made me decide to ban it from my life for ever.
“The “sugar pod” (a recording that’s part of the Slimpod programme) just hit a nerve and made me realise I really could stop eating sugar, by gently changing my behaviours without me having to give it much thought.
“It works by shutting down the addictive part of the brain so that sugar becomes far less attractive.
“I’ve gone over nine months now without eating any form of sugar or sweeteners in food and drinks. I suffered side effects at first, but after that I started to feel so much better.
“I had more energy, better quality of sleep, a clearer complexion, a feeling of contentment – and no more sweet cravings.
“I now believe in myself and know that these healthy habits are so ingrained that I will have them for life.
“Sugar is hugely disempowering. It hijacks your brain and you’re at its mercy. Slimpod empowers you to fight back and take control of your eating habits again.
“What also helped me was drinking two litres of water a day, eating protein with each meal, eating more berries and citrus fruit, and replacing coffee with hot water and a slice of lemon, or green tea.
“I still have one coffee daily with unsweetened almond milk and make it frothy in my blender – it’s lovely.
“I’m so grateful that I found Slimpod. It’s the first time in years that I feel comfortable in myself.
“Since I took the decision to eliminate sugar from my diet, as well as the weight loss and the dress sizes dropped, my blood pressure is now normal, my cholesterol is in a healthy range, I’ve so much energy and at 63 years young I feel so good!
“To be finally free from sugar is such a relief.”